
Hadron Spectrum Collaboration


The research efforts of the collaboration are supported by grants from funding agencies and by allocations of computing time at high-performance computing centers.

Active Grants

Meson Spectroscopy from QCD PI: J.J. Dudek, College of William and Mary U.S. Department of Energy — ONP DE-SC0018416
Excited charm resonances from QCD PI: D.J. Wilson, DAMTP, University of Cambridge Royal Society University Research Fellowship UF160419
Jefferson Lab Jefferson Science Associates, Jefferson Lab U.S. Department of Energy DE-AC05-06OR23177
Cambridge DAMTP HEP HEP Group (PI: B. Allanach), DAMTP, University of Cambridge U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/T000694/1, ST/X000664/1
Exascale Computing Project PI: A. Kronfeld (Fermilab);
Co-PIs: R. Brower (Boston U), N. Christ (Columbia), C. DeTar (Utah), R.G. Edwards (JLab)
U.S. Department of Energy — ASCR
SciDAC-5 PI: R.G. Edwards (JLab);
Co-PIs: P. Balaprakash (ORNL), T. Bhattacharya (LANL), W. Detmold (MIT), X.S. Li (LBNL), S. Mukherjee (BNL), K. Orginos (WM), P. Shanahan (MIT), A. Walker-Loud (LBNL)
U.S. Department of Energy — ASCR/NP
NERSC NESAP PI: P. Boyle (BNL), E. Romero (JLab) U.S. Department of Energy — ASCR

Active Computer Time Allocations

Meson Resonances and their Couplings PI: R.G. Edwards (JLab) USQCD 14M core hours (CPU), 1643K GPU hours (GPU)
Hadron Resonances from Lattice QCD PI: C.E. Thomas (DAMTP) STFC DiRAC 87.2M core hours on DiRAC Cambridge Data Intensive CPU Cluster (April 2023 - March 2026)
Resonance Properties in the Decay Signatures of Exotic Mesons from QCD PI: R.G. Edwards (JLab) NERSC 100K Core-GPU hours
Nuclear Physics PI: K. Orginos (JLab) INCITE 1000K Frontier node-hours